SugarPill Loose Eyeshadows Review


SugarPill Loose Eyeshadows Review
Goldilux & Grand Tiara
sugarpill loose eye shadows - goldilux and grand tiara
I purchased the shadows -  'Grand Tiara' and 'Goldilux' because I needed metallic pigments for a fashion show, I was originally really stuck on where to find and buy new pigments, especially as I wanted mine to be cruelty free, and yet still keep up with the quality and professional level of pigment the other mua's in the team were using.

Sugar pill loose eyeshadow in Golidlux Review
The price for each pigment is £9.95,which may seem like a lot at first, but you really do get a good amount of product for your money (5 grams of magic dust really).

Sugarpill loose eyeshadow packaging
I firstly wanted to test it out before the show, so on myself I went for a really bold graphic gold and black eye look,(I found it worked best if I used the urban decay primer potion as a base then stuck it directly onto the sticky surface, that worked the very best) .The look had people telling me so many lovely compliments, which was really refreshing and confidence boosting as I so rarely go for bold sculpted eye looks on myself - usually because I'm in favour of more natural shapes and tones.

The shadow held up so well and lasted the whole night, I honestly find it difficult to describe how beautiful these pigments really are, imagine shimmering pure refined metals churned down into a fine dust, a silky powder (not chunky like a glitter).The way the pigment and the light interact is beautiful, they both bounce off one another, it makes the shadow fun and lively.
SugarPill Grand Tiara loose shadow packaging

Before I go into how the pigments performed at the show, I want to go into what really sold them to me- the cruelty free and vegan label.

sugarpill cute boxes and packaging
To me this is a factor that's really important and I know in 2017 it's something a growing group of people are really starting to care about. I'm definitely happier to pay a little more for a product/company with a good brand identity, which feels the same way as I do when It comes to cosmetics.
sugarpill vegan and cruelty free

How the shadows performed on the job:
At the fashion show the shadows 100%  performed up to the standard of everyone else's pigments ( the majority using mac) and I honestly loved the colours and result of my pigments. However I did find when mixed with a mixing medium ,to create the catwalk look the shadows lost the 'life' to them they had before. Yes, they were still beautiful metallic shadows, but the reflection and they way they sparkled as the light hit each particle wasn't there anymore which I found disappointing, as the mixing medium was taking away the sparkle of the shadow, this wasn't the pigments fault but it was still sad to watch the shimmer lessen.The way they stuck to the lid was also more hard wearing alone, rather than with the mixing medium.So I definitely prefer these shadows as pure as they come, as they work perfectly as they are. But I  will continue to experiment with them and find out how to get the best results when mixing the pigments,and what products will work best as a mixing medium.

sugarpill hi cutie box
Lastly the packaging is something I have to touch on, just the cardboard box they come in I haven't been able to part with since it's so original and sweet, the box the shadows come in has the sugar pill logo on the very top,which is a medicinal cross surrounded by a heart,overall I'm in love with the strong sense of brand identity sugar pill uses on it packaging, and how it's edgy and cute  all at once .

Sugar pill Loose eyeshdaow review sugarpill loose eyeshadow boxes
Sugarpill Goldilux review
sugarpill grand tiara review
With love Eve X

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