The Sleek 'Vintage Romance' Palette


The Sleek Vintage Romance Palette

The Vintage Romance palette has such a beautiful, luxurious feel. The shades mirroring 1920's glamour. As you move your eyes across the palette you get a range of metallic, purple and a handful of subtle glitters and transition shades.
Not an 'every day' natural palette, but every day really is an event so why not dress up for it?

Let's Begin,

The look :

I kept to the rich purples for this look, while blending the more indigo blue into my crease to add  depth. The only fully matte apricot hue was used above my crease to make sure the deeper blues and purples blended out evenly and also create a break in between the deeper shadows and my brow.

I added a soft metallic brown to the centre of my lid  to create a more three dimensional feel, since this was a lighter metallic shade I placed it in my inner corner to brighten and open up my eyes too.
I sculpted out my eyes sweeping the matt brown under my eyes under the lash line as a base for the deeper dark blue I placed right up against the lash line for a more intensified look.

I finished off my eyes with the charlotte tilbury legendary lashes mascara, it lengthened my lashes greatly but smudged underneath my eyes a few hours in too, so whether I would suggest trying this mascara out possibly in one of her stores or as a sample especially if you have oilier skin or prefer a more dewy foundation .My purple eyes were finished, so I went on to complete the rest of my makeup leaving the rest more natural, and I went out to have the cutest coffee date with my beaut friend kavi!

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